Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Eleventh Hour.

Doctor Who is probably my favorite show. I could tell you a number of cartoons which I enjoy, but Doctor is probably my favorite show. I love how it manages to fit in special effects scenes with genuinley interesting characters. Heck, even the effects for the original series are creative.

The latest Doctor, David Tennant, cemented himself as a figure of Doctor Who history by being hilarious, yet at the same time quite serious. He was probably the best Doctor since Tom Baker, but didn't let it go to his head. So, naturally people were a bit upset when it was announced that he'd finally be handing the torch over. While I didn't cry at his death scene, I might as well have. And yesturday, the Doctor returned to our screens as Matt Smith. So, how does it fare up? Ahem...

OH MY GOD IT WAS AWESOME! The Doctor was hilarious, the story was cool, the plan to save the world brilliant, the effects great, and oh my godness!

Okay, actually I have a few complaints I suppose. The Doctor seemed a bit too much like Tennant, but he was still funny in his own right (Beans are evil!) The bad guy, known as Prisoner 0, while scary looking, didn't do much. He snarled, he threatened, but really all he did was stand there, to the point that the Doctors Big Damn Heroes moment is slow enough to laugh at. It was like, 'I HAVE LARGE BIEY TEETH AND AM QUITE DISTURBING! NOW LOOK AT ME! But I guess he wasn't the overall threat. The overall threat was a giant eyeball attached to a spaceship. It didn't do much either, but it's very being there was cool.

I had heard that there would be a totally new set of theme music made for the series, being a fan of the music, I was angry. I was delighted to find that the new mmusic was just yet another cover of the original, and sounded great. The new opening sequence was okay, but I preferred the original.
I was surprisingly not put off by the new Sonic Screwdriver and TARDIS Interior. In fact, the most annoying thing about that was that the new screwdriver is green now. I suppose watching Doctor Who has wired me to expect change.

Long story short, I look forward to the rest of the season. It'll be great.

Custard Fish.

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