Monday, November 29, 2010

Power Rangers Survey 19: Favorite Friendship.

Yet again, something I never really picked up on, so I'm gonna go with the first that comes to my head, Jason and Billy. How many jocks do you know of in real life who are close friends with a quintessential nerd?

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Power Rangers Survey 18: Favorite Couple (Fanon)

I had a good think about this and decided that the answer was obvious. Carter Grayson and the Megazord. Yes, I bet you didn't know the original Megazord was actually a woman.

Though we never really got to see it, behind the scenes it was a love to rival the power the Rangers used to battle evil everyday. Some saw it as scandelous for a badass, if somewhat bland Ranger to actually be romantically involved with a one hundred foot combat mech, but truly it was an inspiration to many with similar ambition, such as Divatox and Alpha, The Animairium and the Green Rangers helmet, and of course Skull and Terror Toad.

And of course we all remember the beautiful day Carter proposed, and the beautiful wedding held on Eltar by Good!Lord Zedd. But even after six years of blissful marriage, it all came to a crashing end with the Megazords' drunked one night stand with the planet Acquitar. Though it has been reported that while their relationship is over, they have started talking to each other again. Let's hope for teh best, guys.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Power Rangers Survey 17: Favorite Couple (Canon) I'm gonna go with Kim and Tommy. That's right isn't it? I honestly never paid much attention to the romance aspect of these things, which is a shame considering that I seem to get annoyed when people tell me that 'Oh that part never appealed to me.' And yes Robert, I am referring to you and the Zord Fights, though at least that's justified in that almost all Zord fights lack the stuntwork seen in the regular ones.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Power Rangers Survey 16: Favorite Supporting Character.

It would be blasphemy for me not to select Bulk and Skull. I know it's two characters, but it's Bulk and Skull!

When I was a little kid, bullies were a problem for me, so seeing Bulk and Skull get tortured constantly on the show was fun. But even then I liked them as characters.

Also, let's take a minute to talk about me and bullying. Bullies have been a problem numerous times for me, but even though they did get under my skin for being dicks, over time I've come to realise...I had the worst bullies ever! Do you know how they teased me? They ran around me making motorbike noises. Yes it's annoying, yes I wanted them to leave me alone, but is that in any way tough? F*ck no!

And over time, it's just gotten worse and worse. Last year, or early this year, I got the Crowning Moment of Half Assed Bullying of my time. This bunch of guys, all acting top shit and that stood behind me and read out my Uno Cards to my friend. Wow. I mean, really? That is your attempt at being tough? In hindsight, I was probably more of a bully for ignoring them instead of acting as if that actually bothered me. But it doesn't end there! Oh no, because later on in the day they walked by and pinched me on the arm. I mean...really? I'm sorry, that is just so sad.
"Oh yeah, we took turns pinching some kid on the arm! We're f*ckin' top shit!" No, you are sad, very, very sad.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Power Rangers Survey 15: Favorite Support Staff.

We're halfway there folks. Wow, I'm doing thirty days of Power Rangers in like trhee months. Heh.

Yes, I know I am trying to branch out, but Alpha 5 is my favorite, full stop. He was silly, speaking in a funny voice and frequently shouted Aiyiyiyiyiyiyi, much to the annoyance of some fans. But other the years, you just get attached to the little guy, with his chrome dome head, his weird little visor and even his saying aiyiyiyiyiyiyi.

And most people don't like to point it out, but did you notice how he didn't make an appearance after the war on Eltar. Most people don't like to focus on thiis, but there is a good chance that the nifty little robot friend that we grew up with actually died! However, for purposes of keeping my sanity, I'm going to agree with Linkara and assume that it was him on the Astromegaship in Forever Red. That was a fun episode.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Power Rangers Survey 14: Favorite Mentor.

Of course I am going to select Zordon. When it comes to Power Rangers, you just can't beat the iconography of a giant, ghostlike head in an interdimensional tube asking for five teenagers with attitude. Admittedly, as we eventually learn as we get older, he wasn't actually as good of a mentor as he was chalked up to be, what with one time actually waiting until four of the Rangers had been EATEN before telling the two recently unbrainwashed Rangers how to defeat the monster.

But he did do a good job of keeping things togethor and even performed an epic Heroic Sacrifice at the end of In Space, that also served as a bit of a Tear Jerker considering that as someone who until recently (As in last year) was not even aware that there was an ongoing plot, I didn't know he died! However, if my Wild Mass Guessing is correct, there is still hope:

Willy Wonka is, or thinks he's Zordon.
He believes that he is, or actually is Zordon revived by some force. However, since he made some poor choices back in his era, he's approaching things differently. He has none of Zordon's magic items, but knows how to make some crazy ass candy, so he decides to create his Rangers a different way. For example, the Factory is the new Command Centre, with the business giving him a way to set things up. He's having trouble building the Zords so he's instead trying to create alternative means for the Rangers to combat giant monsters, such as the Shrink Ray. The Oompa-Loompa's are actually a massive group of Alpha's ranging from 7 to over a hundred, each with a faulty version of Alpha's friendly personality, resulting in the musical numbers. The kids are obviously intended to be his Rangers, and he's trying out giving them new abilities. His fondness for his Rangers makes his anger at their disobedience into what appears to be Wonka's submissive attitude to the children's fates. He just keeps thinking they're going to do the right thing. Then they don't.

Veruca: Wonka tries to give his new Pink Ranger control over animals, starting with Squirrels, but she's too impulsive and ends up with his failed Repellent Pheramone experiment.
Augustus: The Yellow Ranger (because even though he wears Red, he isn't really leader material) is given shapeshifting abilities after being turned to chocolate. Or at least becomes covered in it, which impedes the progress somewhat.
Mike: The Black Ranger was going to get size changing powers after helping Wonka reverse the Shrink Ray, after which he'd help work on the Zords.
Violet: The gum was a failed attempt to make a giant Ranger, but it worked excellently in giving his new Blue Ranger super human reflexes. Her chipper attitude once she's drained suggests that if approached again, she may accept the role of Ranger.
Charlie: The Red Ranger. Charlie was supposed to be granted flight by the Fizzy Lifting Drinks, but the other potential Rangers accidents derail the tour and he never gets to that room.

However, there is hope with Charlie not getting incapacitated and Violet's attitude

Yes, I am insane with no time on my hands.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Power Rangers Survey 13: Favorite Monster of the Week.

Oh, ask a rhetorical question then why don't you? The monster of the week was always my favorite part of the show as a child, and since the series has started, there have been literally hundreds of them. How can I possibly choose one out of so many? I could always choose the one that impacted me more than any other, but I can hardly say that Terror Toad and Shellshock are very good candidates, afterall they only really did much for me because they were on both on the same video that I kept renting from the video store.

No, I don't think it's fair to play favorites with the Monsters of the Week. These are the brave men, women and other that have done their part for almost two decades to make the show the legend it is today. Without them, there would have been no reason to adapt the Sentai, and thus there would be no Mighty Morphin', there would be no Time Firce, there would be no Overdrive (Not that most would complain ), and there would be no RPM. So I say to you, who is my favorite monster of the week? All of them. Because without any monsters, there would be no Power Rangers.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Power Rangers Survey 12: Favorite Villain Sidekick.

I'm of course going to go with the original sidekick, Goldar. The first enemy ever fought on the show (aside from the Putties), Goldar is one of the most recogniseable character from the shows history. Even if he later was reduced to Comic Relief, he was still a prominent character, acting as The Dragon to both Rita and Zedd. Also, he was a flying gorilla covered in gold armour, what's not to love?

Monday, November 15, 2010

Power Rangers Survey 11: Favorite Villain Henchmen.

Strange...My first choice was of course Putties. While they are actually good henchmen, giving you the idea that they are mindless alien clay footsoldiers (Though not necessarily good ones), I've decided that they are surpassed by The menacing Quantrons, if only for the fact that they have very big knives.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Power Rangers Survey 10: Favorite Reformed Villain.

Rita and Zedd. I picked two, what're you gonna do about it?

Rita is the villain I grew up with, and Zedd is much more intimidating. In recent times I'm actually a little sad to know that they were turned good, and indeed, Rita became the Big Good of Mystic Force. However, they're two of my favorite villains and they're reformed, so they work pretty well for this answer.

Before I go, I actually was only going to talk about Rita, but picked up this Zedd picture.

Also, at the end to Countdown to Destruction, how long were reformed Rita and Zedd dancing?

Friday, November 12, 2010

Crowning Moment of Awesome: Amazing Spider-Man #644

Never before have I ever even considered a Crowning Moment of Awesome and a dead baby to be part of the same situation, but life if full of surprises.

In the latest storyline, Origin of the Species, Doc Ock, being a mad scientist, has discovered a genetic gold mine in a newborn baby, who was born of Menace, Harry Osborne's former lover who was forcefully mutated into a Goblin, and Norman Osborne, Harry's Complete Monster father and Green Goblin. After the child is born, Spidey has to keep it safe from almost every villain in his Rogues Gallery, all hired by Ock to capture it, from big names like Sandman, to small timers like Freak.

Spidey is also mistaken for a kidnapper and is hunted by the police as he desperately tries to find a hospital. As Vulture and Freak close in, Spidey sees Harry, who offers to take the child to the hospital while Spider-Man flees with a decoy. It works, but Harry doesn't move during the fight. Why? Because the child is dead. He couldn't handle the excitement of the chaos around him, and despite his best efforts, Spider-Man has yet again lost something. He vows to stop Ock and swings off into the distance, leaving Harry to mourn his illigitimate brother.

Once the Spider is out of sight, Harry removes his face, revealing himself to be Chameleon, cradling the perfectly fine baby in his arm.

This is a genuine CmoA for the book because my jaw literally dropped when Chameleon revealed himself. The series has recently been kind of shocking, having had the Lizard devour Dr. Connor's son, and the brutal rampage of the Kravinoff family. I was very upset to hear that the child didn't make it. Not that being in the hands of the Chameleon is much better, but I genuinely did not see it coming.

And when you consider that this is the story continuing from One Moment in Time (One Moment in Stupid, more like it ), this is especially impressive, and shows us that Spider-Man is a real superhero. Even with the titanic might of oppression that is Joe Quesada hammering down on the series, Spider-Man remains one of the best books I've read.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Power Rangers Survey 9: Who is your favorite Villain?/Villain Spotlight.

Hehehehe, bet you're not expecting this.

That's right's it's Divatox. Why is she my choice? Well there's a number of reasons. For one she's kinda hot. But more importantly, she also gives off massive Rita vibes, and Rita is the villain I grew up with. While she didn't have quite the same sort of appeal as Rita, they were both fond of yelling and hamming it up, and in the end, nothing makes a good villain like a good slice of ham.

While many find her to be annoying or lame due to the way she was portrayed, her Ritaness served as the perfect bridge for me into interseason fandom (I saw Turbo before Zeo).

Did I mention she's kind of hot?

Power Rangers Survey 7 and 8: Favorite Color Ranger and Favorite Fomerly Evil Ranger.

Honestly? I never thought about it. I don't see it as that big of a thing. However, I'm gonna say...Blue. No, Red. Aaargh! Green! Yes, Green, Green has impacted me the most, and I have said numeroustimes durBLACK! Black is one of the least used colors and must be given a mention, no!

Okay...Blue. I'm going with blue. Billy is my favorite Ranger, and he was blue, so that is why.

I don't want to waste space, so let me also just answer number 8, Tommy is my favorite formerly evil ranger.

And yes, I know I'm supposed to do this daily, but it's a bit late for that now.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Power Rangers Survey 6: Favorite Sixth Ranger.

Tommy bitches!
As I have said, he left a big impression on me by being evil at first. I honestly cannot see a Green Ranger and not understand why it isn't a big deal. He was the only original Ranger to become giant (Twice in fact if you count the last episode of Zeo), and he had a f*cking Dragonzord! Normally I wouldn't think too much of a dragon, but a show can often make something more cool by adding limitations. Here, we had giant robot dinosaurs, those are kickass! So how do you do one better? A dragon, bitch! Also he had a cool flute.

However, since I am trying to branch out from MMPR with my answers, my second choice would be The Blue Senturian.

Technically the first Sixth Ranger I saw aside from Tommy, the Blue Senturian was notable for me mostly for filling the Sixth Ranger slot, but also because he was clearly a policeman, and he helped my favorite superheroes fight monsters. That is what all policemen should do. Fight monsters. That is how you will regain the respect of the public.

He also uses his stoplights for combat, which brings me to the Wild Mass Guess that a prototype Senturian was used by Finster to create that Turtle thing with the stoplight on it's back. I just thought of that just now.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Power Rangers Survey 5: Favourite Female Ranger.

It has recently occured to me that I'm not actually that knowledgable about any seasons beyond MMPR. I feel awfully embarrassed and have decided that I will try to remedy this in the near future, but for now, I will tell you that Kim was of course my favorite (Don't worry, I'm sure there's at least one non Mighty Morphin' answer).

Kimberly, because as far as I'm concerned, she is the only Pink Ranger. However, I was originally going to go with Trini, who I always found to be more interesting (Ironic as her personality was being Kim's best friend). Why did I choose Kimberly? The answer is simple. Her Zord is a giant robotic ptereodactyl which is summoned from a volcano and is the only original Zord with the capability to fly, making it only equalled in awesome by the TyrannoZord and DragonZord, who can't fly, but certainly look cool.