As I have said, he left a big impression on me by being evil at first. I honestly cannot see a Green Ranger and not understand why it isn't a big deal. He was the only original Ranger to become giant (Twice in fact if you count the last episode of Zeo), and he had a f*cking Dragonzord! Normally I wouldn't think too much of a dragon, but a show can often make something more cool by adding limitations. Here, we had giant robot dinosaurs, those are kickass! So how do you do one better? A dragon, bitch! Also he had a cool flute.
However, since I am trying to branch out from MMPR with my answers, my second choice would be The Blue Senturian.

Technically the first Sixth Ranger I saw aside from Tommy, the Blue Senturian was notable for me mostly for filling the Sixth Ranger slot, but also because he was clearly a policeman, and he helped my favorite superheroes fight monsters. That is what all policemen should do. Fight monsters. That is how you will regain the respect of the public.
He also uses his stoplights for combat, which brings me to the Wild Mass Guess that a prototype Senturian was used by Finster to create that Turtle thing with the stoplight on it's back. I just thought of that just now.
Tommy was awesome evil, especially as he hadn't developed that nasty habit of making every episode about him. Also a personality might have been nice.