I had a good think about this and decided that the answer was obvious. Carter Grayson and the Megazord. Yes, I bet you didn't know the original Megazord was actually a woman.
Though we never really got to see it, behind the scenes it was a love to rival the power the Rangers used to battle evil everyday. Some saw it as scandelous for a badass, if somewhat bland Ranger to actually be romantically involved with a one hundred foot combat mech, but truly it was an inspiration to many with similar ambition, such as Divatox and Alpha, The Animairium and the Green Rangers helmet, and of course Skull and Terror Toad.
And of course we all remember the beautiful day Carter proposed, and the beautiful wedding held on Eltar by Good!Lord Zedd. But even after six years of blissful marriage, it all came to a crashing end with the Megazords' drunked one night stand with the planet Acquitar. Though it has been reported that while their relationship is over, they have started talking to each other again. Let's hope for teh best, guys.
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