Of course I am going to select Zordon. When it comes to Power Rangers, you just can't beat the iconography of a giant, ghostlike head in an interdimensional tube asking for five teenagers with attitude. Admittedly, as we eventually learn as we get older, he wasn't actually as good of a mentor as he was chalked up to be, what with one time actually waiting until four of the Rangers had been EATEN before telling the two recently unbrainwashed Rangers how to defeat the monster.
But he did do a good job of keeping things togethor and even performed an epic Heroic Sacrifice at the end of In Space, that also served as a bit of a Tear Jerker considering that as someone who until recently (As in last year) was not even aware that there was an ongoing plot, I didn't know he died! However, if my Wild Mass Guessing is correct, there is still hope:
Willy Wonka is, or thinks he's Zordon.
He believes that he is, or actually is Zordon revived by some force. However, since he made some poor choices back in his era, he's approaching things differently. He has none of Zordon's magic items, but knows how to make some crazy ass candy, so he decides to create his Rangers a different way. For example, the Factory is the new Command Centre, with the business giving him a way to set things up. He's having trouble building the Zords so he's instead trying to create alternative means for the Rangers to combat giant monsters, such as the Shrink Ray. The Oompa-Loompa's are actually a massive group of Alpha's ranging from 7 to over a hundred, each with a faulty version of Alpha's friendly personality, resulting in the musical numbers. The kids are obviously intended to be his Rangers, and he's trying out giving them new abilities. His fondness for his Rangers makes his anger at their disobedience into what appears to be Wonka's submissive attitude to the children's fates. He just keeps thinking they're going to do the right thing. Then they don't.
Veruca: Wonka tries to give his new Pink Ranger control over animals, starting with Squirrels, but she's too impulsive and ends up with his failed Repellent Pheramone experiment.
Augustus: The Yellow Ranger (because even though he wears Red, he isn't really leader material) is given shapeshifting abilities after being turned to chocolate. Or at least becomes covered in it, which impedes the progress somewhat.
Mike: The Black Ranger was going to get size changing powers after helping Wonka reverse the Shrink Ray, after which he'd help work on the Zords.
Violet: The gum was a failed attempt to make a giant Ranger, but it worked excellently in giving his new Blue Ranger super human reflexes. Her chipper attitude once she's drained suggests that if approached again, she may accept the role of Ranger.
Charlie: The Red Ranger. Charlie was supposed to be granted flight by the Fizzy Lifting Drinks, but the other potential Rangers accidents derail the tour and he never gets to that room.
However, there is hope with Charlie not getting incapacitated and Violet's attitude
Yes, I am insane with no time on my hands.
That is one of the best WMG's I've seen, please tell me that's on TV Tropes. Zordon was and always will be a fail mentor, I forgive you for picking him as he's the only good one you know of, this obviously means you need to watch Jungle Fury.
ReplyDeleteYep, copy and pasted from there.
ReplyDeleteHe may not have been the best mentor the show has ever had, but at least he dosn't speak in questions.
True, and looking at the series it hasn't had many good mentors, Zordon was made of fail, Dimitria spoke in questions, neither space nor Lost Galxy had a mentor, captain Mitchell kept vital infomation from the rangers at various points, Time force had no mentor, Shayla wasn't a mentor, Ninja storm had a drunk hamster, Tommy, well I don't know enough about Dino Thunder to say but from what I've heard he gets a pass, Kruger was worse than Mitchell, Udonna wasn't too bad, Andrew Hartford qualifies about as well as Shayla even if he was a lot more important, Rj is awesome and Dr. K was an emotionally crippled teenager with no social skills. Dear god, how do rangers survive with such terrible mentors?
ReplyDeleteBy being badasses.