Yes, I know I am trying to branch out, but Alpha 5 is my favorite, full stop. He was silly, speaking in a funny voice and frequently shouted Aiyiyiyiyiyiyi, much to the annoyance of some fans. But other the years, you just get attached to the little guy, with his chrome dome head, his weird little visor and even his saying aiyiyiyiyiyiyi.
And most people don't like to point it out, but did you notice how he didn't make an appearance after the war on Eltar. Most people don't like to focus on thiis, but there is a good chance that the nifty little robot friend that we grew up with actually died! However, for purposes of keeping my sanity, I'm going to agree with Linkara and assume that it was him on the Astromegaship in Forever Red. That was a fun episode.
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