Thursday, March 4, 2010

Awesome Covers: Invincible 68

Okay, this is the last Invincible post in a row, I promise.

So, what's so cool about it? ...He's fighting a bloody dinosaur! What the hell more do you need? It's a hulkish mutant dinosaur that has robot parts and generally looks awesome. WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT?!.

The cover was cool enough to get me into the series again after I felt it wasn't for me. Usually when I see a preview for the next issue, I feel, 'Looking forward to that,' but had I bought the previous issue, it would have probably been, 'OMIGOD THIS LOOKS AWESOME!' And chances are we'll get another cover with him on it with all the popularity he got in his one appearance.


  1. That one cover alone was good enough for me to know I had to read that issue.

  2. Well, now we know the secret to success: Dinosaurs breaking stuff.
