Monday, May 17, 2010

Kickassia: That Guy With The Glasses Two Year Anniversary.

First off, I'd like to apologise for not having a picture of this years video, but instead I'll share with you the one from last year. Second of all, Robert, if you want to enjoy this event for all it's worth, do not read this, third of all...

OH MY GOD! THIS IS THE GREATEST MOVIE I'VE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE! There's this guy, called the Nostalgiama Critic, and he goes to this small town, except it's actuall a nation! And he goes up to the President and he's like, 'I'm going to invade you,' and he's like, 'I don't say anything here.' I conquered a small country once, I had pudding that day.
So then the Critic calls all his friends and tells them It's Time! But they don't know what he means, so they tell him the time! Except Angry Joe who has a different World Domination plan altogethor.

And then they all come togethor and this one guy goes to Spoony, 'Aren't you that Doctor guy?' And then he's like, 'NOOOOOO!' and then he's like, 'Yeah,' and he's like, 'NOOOOO!' and he's like 'Yeah,' and he's like, 'NOOOOOokay maybe.' Then the Nostalgima Critic comes out and tells them that he wants to rule the world...hurray! But Linkara isn't convinced, so the Nostalgima Critic accuses him of Nazism, 'Burn the Nazis!' And then he convinces them to join his cause by giving a rousing speech about someone else who had crazy dreams, The Nazis...wait, what? Okay, that part was weird.

So then they walk on down to the President's house and charge at him, and they're like, 'Chaaaaaaaaaaaaa,' and he's like, 'I'm being stoic' and they're like, 'Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,' and he's like, 'I'm being stoic' and they're like, 'Aaaaaaaarrrrrrrr,' and he's like, 'I'm being stoic' and they're like, 'Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggge!,' and he's like, 'I have a gun,' and they're like, 'Aaaaaaaaargh!' and run away.

So then, they go back to the hotel and and insult the Nostalgiama Critic for being dumb. But then Benzai has an idea, use Beary (his stuffed bear) as a kamikaze, but that's too obvious, But then Lee has an idea, Jump on his back and ride it to Victory, but that's too overused, But then Dr. Spiderma-Smith has an idea, Attack with a Legion of Spiders, Eeeeek! SPIDERS! But the Nostalgiama Critic tells him to go away, Hurray, no spiders!

But then Phelous has an idea, use weapons, but Critic dosn't like that idea. Then the Nostalgiama Critic has an idea, use weapons, he is a master of strategy! Then they suit up, Nostalgia Chick puts some goggles on, Linkara prepares his Magic Gun, Angry Joe poses with his guns, 8-Bit Mickey has pecks painted onto him, Handsome Tom shrugs, and Adam holds aloft his magic sword and screams, 'I I HAVE THE POWER!'...Wait, no, that's someone else...Red vs. Blue? Hurray!

And then The Critic poses in front of his window all awesomley and the video ends. Wait, that's not an ending! You need to end things for an ending, you have ended nothing! Except the video, but I want to know what happened to Epic Fail Guy. Will they ever find his phone number? Will ThatChickWithTheGoggles finish college? Will Janet and Brad ever hook up?'
This is ThatKidWithTheSideburns saying, CHANGE!? YOU GOT CHANGE?! COME ON! HELP A GUY OUT, WILL YA? I promise to donate to the proud Republic of Kickassia.

And no, I will not be doing that for all six videos.

1 comment:

  1. I know I shouldn't have but I read the review, and nothing was really spoiled anyway, I figured it would just be introductions. Did you notice Linkara had a communicator on? In an alternate take he answered it instead of the phone with "Come in Zordon, I mean Nostalgia critic." How awesome would that have been.
