Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Villain Spotlight: Other Mother

When young Coraline is painfully bored with her life, she discovers a door, but unfortunatley this door is bricked up. But later, she is led there by a mouse. The door leads to a wonderous world that is much like Coraline's, but much more exciting. There she meets her Other Parents, who seem to exist to do nothing but please her. However, soon they present her with the choice to stay in this world with them forever. Coraline likes this idea until she learns what she must do to do so: Sew buttons over her eyes. And from this, we learn that the Other Mother, is actually a crazy spider-bitch.

The Other Mother is an odd villain. She plays the Hansel and Gretel card and lures her victims in with promises of fun and food. A lot of food. I'm surprised Coraline didn't leave that adventure resembling a blimp, but then again she clearly dosn't enjoy her father's cooking. Where was I?
The Other Mother uses the Hansel and Gretel card, but just because you know she's going to feed off you, dosn't give you much of an advantage. She can warp her world in unusual ways, and apparently do some pretty nasty stuff in the outside world too, seeing how she kidnapped two full grown adults. She copies the appearances of your loved ones and pastes them onto her caricatures, so just hope you get one of the ones with a conscience, but even then you have to deal with the fact that she'll probably kill them for helping you.
In fact, the best chance you have against her is to challenge her to a game. She loves games. She won't play fair, but if her actions, and Keith David's voice, is anything to go by, she won't refuse. Oddly, you'll need to cheat to be the victor in these games, as even if you win, she won't care all that much.

I guess it's actually pretty hard to determine how powerful the Other Mother is. She can warp her reality, but then could easily just trap you in a corridor, yet dosn't. But perhaps among the stranger things is that if you cut off her hand, it'll keep moving, almost as if it was her.

The Other Mother was voiced by Teri Hatcher. Sweet dreams, fanboys.

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