Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Villain Spotlight: Dark Enforcer.

Stan Lee is best known for the creation of Spider-Man and many other Marvel heroes, so judging a contest like Who Wants to be a Superhero seems like a natural move. For the most part, it was. The show was really fun to watch and had plenty for different audiences. Heck, my MOTHER used to watch it. But then they decided to start making it for kids. As much as I'd like to complain and berate this decision, I haven't seen the show so I have no actual opinion.

But the first season has a little surprise for us. Evidentally the likes of Electro and Dr. Doom weren't enough for Stan, he had to vent the darker side of his mind in RL.
Iron Enforcer was an Anti-Hero contestant on the show who had a robotic arm, giant guns, and a fear of flying. Unfortunatley Stan soon figured that his behaviour wasn't very heroic, so he was booted off...

But that wasn't the end of The Enforcer. Stan appeared to him and told him that while he didn't make a very good superhero, he'd made a great supervillain. And so was born the Dark Enforcer.

DE didn't do that much evil, but he would punish the heroes for failing their missions. And writing 'I will not pretend to be a superhero' on a chalkboard, with kids around, while wearing a full blown superhero costume, it's pretty embarassing.

The truly terrifying thing is that unlike later arch enemy, Dr. Dark, Dark Enforcer was never subject to a defeat. He could still be out there, stirring up the contestants on Big Brother, or berating everyone on Survivor. Don't get me started on what he's up to on Biggest Loser, just don't.

However, Iron Enforcer was last seen congratulating Feedback on winning the contest, so we can assume some kind of Infinite Crisis style paradox is occuring. I feel sorry for everyone involved if that is the case.

1 comment:

  1. Dark Enforcer got apprehended in the second challenge of episode 5, so he was subject to a defeat. That was the same episode as the chalkboard scene, so I can't believe you forgot about it.
