Sunday, February 7, 2010

Awesome Covers: Booster Gold 21

Booster Gold is one of my regularly picked up comics. If you've read my other post, you know who he is and what he does. If I'm right, the original series were comedies because of his jerky attitude and intentions, but the newer ones are pretty much straight forward action with some comedy laid over it. For example in one issue he goes back in time to stop an ambush on the Teen Titans. He manages to defeat the first attacker, but then he returns with two friends and the team is successfully killed. Okay, that's some dark humour, and it isn't exactly done as funny, but I couldn't help but see the humour in it. The covers are also somewhat misleading to the exact comedic content. Wheras one cover may feature something as straight forward as Booster being attacked by Trigon, to something as vague as a woman wearing a Booster Gold T-Shirt (which provided a pretty good joke in the actual comic).

What can I say about this cover? MOTHERF*CKING AWESOME! This seriously harkens back to the silver age (my favorite age) and was all I needed to pick it up. I also enjoy the touch of the photos falling through the air, they are neat. Even on some of his own books Batman dosn't look that cool. One might point out that showing Booster in such a weak position would diminish him as a strong character and thus make him harder to see as an effective hero and prompt one to not pick up the book. When you are like that, then you should get a life, the cover is awesome.

Okay, I guess I should actually point out what's wrong with the cover. Well, Booster's shirt stretches out much too far without ripping for starters. And, that's the only flaw, the cover is perfect.

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