Monday, February 15, 2010

Crowning Moment of Awesome: Linkara vs. Countdown

I'm a big fan of TGWTG (obvious because of my name)so expect to see him and The Critic here a lot.

Since I started watching Linkara from the start, I'm still pretty close to the start of his reviews, so only yesturday did I see the end of his Countdown review.

While One More Day and Clone Saga can be considered Spider-Man's Dethrowning Moment of Suck, and while some migt consider crossovers like Civil War to be the same for teh company, I actually don't know how bad they actually were. But DC got it's very own Dethrowning Moment of Suck in the form of Countdown to Final Crisis. Some people get some pretty good material out of listing multiple Crowning Moments of Awesome and writing a story around them. This seems to be what Countdown was trying to do. Ladies and Gentlemen, the Epicest of Epic Fails in Epic Fail History.
The whole thing was insanley terrible and is in fact ignored! In fact, in an issue of Booster Gold, a chalkboard displaying the time stream actually tells us to forget about it. This is why I like simpler comics like early Spider-Man where they focussed on HIS rogues gallery. Oh, thank god for The Gauntlet.

So anyway, Linkara is quite possibly all the hatred shown towards Countdown personified. After explaining the backstory and reviewing fifty two issue in two reviews, Linkara was ready to explain to us the most stupid moments of the abomination of comic book history. These included using Green Lantern as a melee weapon, super sleuth The Question being convinced of a story by PUPPETS and a facial expression that will...You know what? I don't know what it'll do. It was just a terrible facial expression.

But finally, Linkara attempted to exterminate the series once and for all with his signature weapon, the Magic Flintlock gun. However, much to his surprise, the set of books began to laugh at him! The evil Mechakara had turned Countdown, a harmless, if insanley terrible comic series, into a psychotic monster! Linkara is unable to even harm the beast.

Lying injured, without even his magic gun to defend himself, lost in the battle, Linkara suddenly remembered all the turmoil of his reviewing career, Insano, The Brawl and even Countdown itself. But one thing perpetuated his mind: The image of Harley Quinn.

Linkara rose from the ground and pulled forth his Green Ranger dagger. Upon it he summoned a beam of energy powerful enough to harmt he beast, and then thrust the blade through it's skull, returning it to the graphic novels they once were. He then proceeded to rip them apart with his bare hands.

And that, is how you turn comics great Dethrowning Moment of Suck, into a Crowning Moment of Awesome.

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