Let's get on with the story. Mark Grayson is a teenager who happens to be the son of Omni-Man, the greatest superhero to ever live. So, naturally his son inherits his awesome powers of flight and super strength. Unfortunatley for our intrepid hero, it turns out his father may have protected the world from threats of many kinds, but his actual intention is to enslave the planet to the race of Viltrumites, who are evil. So, Mark's dad is eentually defeated and he saves the world, yay. But since this is an ongoing series, the story continues.
Invincible surprised many people with it's popularity. Admittedly it hasn't had a TV show or a movie, but it's only a matter of time. Plus, there's motion comics for your phone, so enjoy. It's even has some spin-offs, including Brit, Wolfman and some Atom Eve one-shots (she's his girlfriend). I originally came in arund issue 63, but was mroe captivated by issue 60, Invincible War. I thought, 'what the heck' and decided to pick it up and 63, as it was the only other one I could find.
Invincible War was pretty awesome, but I was a little annoyed at the fact that I came in just as the status quo has a major shift. In case you haven't read it, the entire planet is devestated and at this point in the series, they're still cleaning it up.
63 would have made more sense had I found 61 and 62. Invincible is locked in combat with the Viltrumite 'Conquest' who quite frankly is kicking the shit out of him in a fight that apparently last four whole issues. Atom Eve arrives after partially recovering from injuries obtained in Invincible War, and is promptly killed by Conquest. That put me off the book.
Now before I continue, I'd just like to compare these two covers. The first one, Invincible War, looks like a pretty basic, if awesome superhero shot.

63...judge for yourself.

Yeah. So, I ignored the comic for a while. But aside from the story line there was another reason. It was very popular, and I was unable to even find it at the comic store. Irritation!
But then something happened. I was mesmerised by the latest issue's cover. But why? What could bring me back to the series just like that?

Yes, a giant red dinosaur is all you need to make me read your comic. I decided to buy it on my next visit, but it wasn't there. So then I forgot about it, but then some time later, I finally remembered, and bought the latest three issues.
I was pleasantly surprised, the dinosaur, Dinosaurus (yes, I know) was only on for a few pages, but was pretty awesome, even if he turned into a scrawny dude afterwards. Apparently I 'm not the only one who felt this way because by looking at the fanmail area, that dude got a LOT of fanmail.\
After reading the next two issues, I realised something. The creator, Robert Kirkman is awesome. I mean I think Erik Larsen is a genius for Savage Dragon alone, but Kirkman actually manages to do a proper superhero title. Each issue has had a different villain and I have enjoyed each of them, which is more than I can say for Spawn, which I actually decided to give to my cousin after buying two issues (it was just going too slow for me, sorry). In Invincible War, we some criminals in a prison breakout, we got the small army of Invincible clones, and Angstrong Levy, 63 had Conquest, 68 had Dinosaurus, 69 had Universa (who I can't say was that great) and 70 had the Sequids. Kirkman really knows how to write a superhero comic. I personally write up my ideas, and more than often I have a new villain every few issues, but not Robert Kirkman, he just throws them at us!
This makes me want to buy Kirkman's other stuff, such as Haunt, Living Dead and Wolfman...damn, he's busy, ain't he?
I also have to give him props for originality. It's been pointed out that very few of his characters have original powers, but he still manages to make them cool. Like Dinosaurus, he's essentially Hulk except a humanoid dinosaur with armour and a fairly intelligent mind. Yet he is awesome. The art is also great.
Okay, if I have to nitpick this, I had to say that the gore is a bit ridiculous. Just look at 63, his bones are hanging out of his f#cking arms! Gore isn't extremley prelvenet, but I feel this is a comic that could easily be marketed to everyone. Now I know some kids like gore, but seriously, sometimes it's just ridiculous.
Anywho, it's a good serious, Kirkman, you're good at what you do, and ecetera.
Sideburns, Sideburning off.