Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sorceror's Apprentice...Wait.

Hold on...I of course didn't mention the source material!

The Sorceror's Apprentice originated as a poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe detailing how an apprentice uses his masters magic to enchant brooms to do his chores, and ends up flooding the castle. This is reduced to a single scene in the film which could almost be removed.

One has to wonder how this occurance is actually possible. Disney famously created the animated short starring Mickey Mouse which otherwise told a spot on version of the story, with the only real differences being the name of the Sorceror and his reaction to the mess (anger).

While the film isn't really worse off for the change, one does wonder how such the story of an apprentice who briefly screws around with some minor magic can be turned into an action comedy film involving rivalling sorcerors, enormous beasts, ancient plots, pop culture references and a fairly well thought out story.

I initially believed that this was actually based off a book seires that took inspiration from the tale, something somewhat more understandable. But no, someone just looked at the poem and said, "You know what this needs? That guy from Kick-Ass shooting lasers!"

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