Saturday, September 18, 2010

Awesome Covers: Youngblood #4

Oh yeah, this is what I'm talking about! Two teams of distinct heroes and villains charging at each other for the ultimate confrontation! And it is AWESOME! The characters all look pumped and ready for action...with the exception of Poppy,who looks like she just got out of the bathroom and now there's a massive fight going on. I also like how Blackrock just looms over them all grinning madly. It's all a cliched sort of cover, but that's obviously the intention, and some cliche's are around for a reason.

As for the story inside? Meh. It was alright, but the cast don't react too dramatically about Shaft coming back from the dead, except Badrock that is. And Doc Rocket, my favorite character in the series, finally gets some character development by...sleeping with the team's new leader. Way to go, Rocket. On the plus side, there's no innuendo regarding her super speed, so at least we're mostly mature about it. Oh and for some reason she stopped wearing hr mask. She obviously took it off earlier, but there's no reason why she wouldn't put it back on. Oh well.

Oh, and the fight on the cover never actually happens. We do see the new team leader try to fight Warwolf, Red Striped Man whose name I can't remember, and Blackrock. As far as I can tell, he got crushed to death afterwards. That can ruin your whole day.

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