Monday, September 13, 2010

Mental Covers: Cyanide's my Pal.

The reason why remains unknown, but any time Mental and Cyanide are in the same room and are not beating the life out of each other is already bizarre. What could possibly make the two join forces?

Cyanide was another attempt at creating an arch enemy for Mental. Originally created for a fairly well done fight scene in my comic on Flickr, Cyanide was an alien blob who came to Earth to beat shit up, and was met by Captain Mental, my alter ego in this version. I manage to rip his head off, but the slime forms a mutating suit on my body and turns me into his second form. Imagine a full body hoodie with tentacles for arms and large teeth sticking out of the hood. Eventually the old Cyanide shows up again, having regained his old head, and is killed and absorbed by my suit, creating an unstoppable monolithic beast (pictured). It takes a retelling of The Devil Went Down To Georgia (and a falling plane) to remove the suit.

Cyanide's design in my drawings has slowly changed over time, and probably not for the better. Originally his head was much more humanoid in shape and was generally just drawn more intimidating.
Though still probably Mental's strongest opponent, I don't think I could bring him back enough to make him into the arch villain.

And yes, he is inspired by Venom.

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