Deadpool is still very much awesome as usual. The storyline at the moment of the main series is pretty good, and longtime Butt Monkey Weasel gets a Crowning Moment of Awesome. Unfortunatley this storyline has somewhat confused me in regards to Deadpool's current motivation. The last eight or so issues focussed on him deciding to help people, and now he's turned into a jerkass again. It is awesome, so I won't actually hold it against the series.
Merc with a Mouth has also been pretty good, but the zombie universe is getting a bit boring. Well maybe boring isn't the right word, but I'm not a fan of Marvel Zombies, and while I am definatley a fan of Headpool I guess I prefer my zombies Angry Mob style.
Finally, I like how Deadpool's been growing in popularity, but I have to say that I'm almost experiencing the same problem that we get with Superman and Batman. DP has yet another miniseries going on, which makes like what? Six series? And I'm buying all of them! They're good, but if I hadn't been in from the early days, I'd be lost as all hell!
Gotham City Sirens.
This is everything you'd want from a series staring Catwoman, Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy. It's technically not a Villain Protagonist story, but more of a...Reformed but not friendly Villain Protagonist story. Okay, basically they're villains, but they don't do evil things any more,but neither do they activley fight crime.
This is going to put me in a very small minority but Ivy is really starting to bug me. She uses her seduction powers to get a high class job at S.T.A.R. Labs, then fires half the staff to show she means business. An employee tries to take revenge upon discovering her identity, but it dosn't quite work and now Ivy is working on threatening her for some purpose. This is the sort of thing I'd expect from the villainous side of a comic, which makes perfect sense, but I just want to punch her! Which would then get me killed, so it's a lose-lose situation!
And also, for some of The Goddamned Batman's greatest enemies, they sure get their asses kicked a lot. A while back they get their asses handed to them by a midget clown disguised as the Joker, they were just over equally matched by an old man with a walking stick, and in this issue they get the snot beaten out of them by Catwoman's Batshit crazy nun sister.
Also, it's not portrayed as such, but robbing a Church is what I'd use for a Kick the Dog moment Ms. Kyle.
Harley's doing fine though.
Savage Dragon.
This month's release is nowhere near as depressing as last months. It's pretty clever, especially how Larsen subverts the Big Bad status of Overlord. He's insanley powerful and actually managed to finally kill off the hero for good, but he's not really doing too well with the evil scheming and stuff. He also feels terrible about sending the mooks to their deaths in the previous issue. Larsen continues to make this a turning point by killing OpenFace, one of Dragon's more memorable villains, and a guy whose been with us since pretty much the start. At least he died trying todo something awesome. But I already said I'd be discussing the negatives, so here we go.
There's a major squick factor in the suggestion that Angel should hook up with her brother Malcolm. Granted, Angel recognises the squick and has no interest, and her dumb friends are he ones who suggested it, and it is pointed out that they aren't blood related, but good god this is Chicago, not a stereotypical Redneck town.
Speaking of Malcolm, good god when did he start taking steroids? I understand that it's Larsen's intention to have him take up the mantle of Savage Dragon, but I think he should have remained sort of lanky. I mean...dude! That does not look natural. I swear a few issues ago he actually looked like he was 13. If I saw him I'd assume his early twenties!
I bough the Invincible One-Shot 'Invincible Returns,' which is actually the real issue 71, but it's longr, while Issue 71 is technically issue 72, but lets not enter a loop here.
Okay, I don't actually have any complaints about this issue. Well, that's a lie actually. There's a few odd bits of dialogue, but that's more likley my opinion, I mean they have to get their exposition from somewhere, right? Next up is that it's shaking up the status quo so much. We're going to be spending like six or so issues in the Viltrumite War, which is set in space. I'm sure it'll be good, but I was liking what we had on Earth. Besides, I know it's been about ten months, but we're still recovering from the Invincible War. And finally Invincible switches back to his classic yellow costume. Man, I liked your blue costume! It kicked ass! This one makes your head look long. There's an instory explanation that I find hard to disagree with. Invincible recently stepped over the Moral Event Horizon by killing an innocent man possessed by the aliens known as Sequids. He's decided to not kill any more full stop, and switched to his old costume because blue one reminded him of the incident and made him feel disgusted with himself.
All on all, I'd say it was an excellent jumping point for new readers.
Booster Gold.
I stopped buying Booster for a while because I thought the series ended. As it turns out, I was wrong, so I started up again. You can't blame me, the current storyline concluded, it had a somewhat finalistic tone and it was issue 30, which would be a good number to end on. Anyway, complaints...during a fight with Skull Agents, Booster reflects a laser blast and kills a little girls dog. It leads to a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming at the end, but the way they react to it. You killed a dog. Not the Little Girl, the dog. You didn't mean to. The Dog didn't explode into a gory mess. And you have a Heroic BSOD about it, and they start hurling abuse at him. Seriously? There were evil super villains running around causing havoc, putting hundreds of people in danger, and you start telling the hero he's compleley worthless because of something like that? He stopped all the Agents, I mean come on! Yes, you should be upset, but you need to get your priorities straight!
I also bought five issues of Amazing Spider-Man (and I'm still behind). I'm going to read one weekly until my next comic Store Trip, so I haven't read them yet. However,I hear that they are awesome. Nevertheless, Deviling away twenty years of continuity cannot be patched up one very awesome storyline.
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