Monday, June 21, 2010

Mortal Kombat 'Trailer.'

I'm a fanof Mortal Kombat. I haven't really played it that much, but I like the charcters, and what I have played was addictive. It's just there's like one MK game for the PS3. While I enjoyed the first movie (I know the second one is bad, but plan on seeing it anyway) I've gotta say this new one looks a bit odd.

By odd I of course mean awesome, but by what I can tell from that short film and my sources, the finished film will omit any supernatural elements. The wy the film does it makes it look feasible but I just have to How can you do that? That's like making a film about Superman and having him be in the costume, but instead of having super powers he's just a body builder with a jetpack. The villain is a wizard, one dude is a god in human form, and one guy is a half dragon prince with four fudging arms! Admittedly there are multiple badass normals throughout the series, but you cannot just throw away something that big. And I know he's much more popular, and heck I like him much more, but I'm pretty sure Liu Kang is supposed to the be the good guy, not Scorpion.
All in all, I have to say that if the film is made, I'd probably see it.

One more thing, I know theres a crimewave, but isn't it a bit much to have the police ordering killings? I mean yeah, that's the plan and they probably all deserve it, but dude, your a Policeman. And your supposed to have robot hands, another reason why we require the supernatural.

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