Monday, June 7, 2010

Emo Rangers.

Welcome again to Panel by Panel, the Comics Blog that seems to review everthing BUT comics. Let me tell you about the story of a struggle between good and evil. A powerful heroic being was locked in combat with an evil sorceress and her army of monsters. Eventually she was defeated, but the being was stuck in another dimension. When the evil return he was powerless to stop her, so he instead used his abilities to give his powers to five teenagers with attitude to protect us from her and evil in all its forms. Eventually the sorceress's evil evolved and there were even more like her. It has taken many generations, but finally we meet their ultimate incarnation. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you, Power Rangers: Emo Force!

Oh, my apologies, this is actually Mighty Moshin' Emo Rangers. Hey, I like Mighty Moshin' Emo Rangers, let's talk about this instead!

I am a fan of Power Rangers. I don't really go out of my way to watch it any more, but it's a big part of my childhood and I basically cry tears of nostalgia whenever I hear the song. I technically sort of lost interest after the original first season, but they kick ass, so who cares? So when I discovered Emo Rangers, I thought it was hilarius. It was. If you don't care about my opinions just visit their website

The story is pretty basic, even compared to the real Power Rangers. The Evil Empress (really? Not even a joke on the name Rita Repulsa? Come on!) crashes onto the moon and quickly makes a point to erect a castle and destroy the closest planet, which as always, is Earth (With all the movies and signals we send out, we're really asking for it). She does this by sending out a giant robot to kill everyone. The powerful Captain Emohead (Three gueses who this guy's based on) summons five depressed teenagers to gain powers and beat up the robot. Specifically, they are Ross the White Introspective Emo Ranger, Luke the Red Chaos Mowhawk Emo Ranger, Stef the Bleeding Heart Pink Emo Ranger, John The Green Chronic Stoner Emo Ranger, Vicken the Yellow Weeping Tears Emo Ranger. And then they gain their Sixth Ranger (Fai, the Purple FashionxCore Ranger) to fight another giant robot. And a gorilla. And a bunch of people in hoodies. And Santa. That's all there really is to it.

It was simple, and the episodes were kinda done so that you had absolutley no time to remember who the characters were until they morphed, but it was pretty cool. The fight scenes were okay, and they even had CG monsters. They sold T-Shirts, and lets face it rode pretty damn well on their popularity. So, some time later when they announced that they'd be making new episodes, complete with trailers tha wreaked of Win, everyone was stoked as all hell!

Four years later, people just gave up.

The tralers were great, and the music on their MySpace by Fei Commando were awesome and featured what is probably the most kickass rendition of Jingle Bells ever. But that can only keep people going for so long. This wouldn't have been a problem, but when you promise people new episodes and they're still waiting after four years and have been repeatedly tricked with Rickrolls, they tend to get a bit annoyed. I personally didn't realise it had been four years since I discovered it in either 09 or 08, I forget, so I really haven't been as muc of a victim.

But recently there was a new development. On their blog, they commented that there would be new developments soon, because the Rickroll was dead an they had nothing better to do. That was the first of April, so everyone just complained at them. And they were right...until recently.

One of the directors (Chris) recently released a video explaining things. With all the money they made from the T-Shirts, like anyone with intelligence he invested his money. Yes, invested it in a shitload of cocaine. Well, now he's run out and needs money again. So yeah, tiding us over, right? Well, yeah they are, cos they've got a whole new site up where we can see fan art from all the fans they've been driving nuts for so long. He say they'll be up soon enough. And if he's lying, then give him props, he set up a whole website just for a laugh, that takes determination.

So basically, chances are that relativley soon we'll get to see the Emo Rangers fight again, or at least you can feel like that until it turns out to be the aforementioned hoax. Yay. Though to be honest, it's kind of irritating. After all this time we could finally be getting our hands on the Emo Rangers. That's all well and good, but it's only six episodes, and chances are they're all going to be under five minutes. Yes, the effects will probably be better, but this is something I'd enjoy from DeviantArt as opposed to an independent film maker. Once they're gone, what then? Chances are that after that fiasco they won't want to try it all again. My personal suggestion? Why not do a competition to find a new group of Emo Rangers to enter Zeo or something? It'd probably be expensive as shit, but still that'd be a Hell Yeah.

This is ThatKidWithTheSideburns, Sideburning off.

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