An excellent question actually. How about I tell you my favorite epiodeS? Well, that I can remember. Keep in mind these are ones that I have seen, and despite being a big fan, I haven't actually seen that many over the whole series. I may also not know the right names.
Day of the Dumpster: The original, the episode that started it all. Not exactly the classic I remembered as a kid, but by god it's still a ton of fun. It's got all the essentials, namely fighting, Bulk and Skull and Zords. All of these can be found in almost every episode. This is why I lvoed Migty Morphin.
White Light: The first appearance of the White Ranger. To be honest I saw this on the Best of Power Rangers DVD, but I still enjoyed it regardless of continuity. Of course it isn't perfect, for one, the Zord fight is incredibly lackluster, what with the monster of the week, Nimrod the Scarlet Sentinel and his sidekicks AC and DC looking completely non threatening and being poorly edited in to look like the Rangers are fighting it. And even though the majority of my love for the series is based around status quo, I have to say the image of Tommy descending in the suit is incredibly badass.
Countdown to Destruction: Even a Status Quo Nazi like myself cannot help but find this episode awesome. We should have had more of Bulk and Skull fighting.
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