And the climatic ending to this thirty part epic is...Countdown to Destruction...which I already talked about last time...awkward. How about instead I talk about why I like the movie?

A lot of fans like to pretend the movie never happened because it wasn't very good and full of cliches. But by the standards of at least early power rangers, it was excellent! Most people also believe that it takes place in an alternate dimension, and I can easily see why, but I can't really watch it and think that. Yeah, the bad guys have a pig and are missing Squatt and Baboo, and obviously the film ends with complete contradiction to the actual series canon, as well as multiple other contradictions such as Zordon actually being inside the tube.
But you know what? I find it really hard to care, because it's fun. In fact the only true complaint that I can think of is that the film didn't have Jason, Trini and Zach, and that is almost completely unavoidable. Oh, and the zord fights were a little choppy, but I still thought they were fun.
Also, Ivan Ooze is actually pretty funny if your into that with your super villains.
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