It's no secret that I think Scott Pilgrim is awesome. I haven't read the comics and don't really plan to. I saw the movie first and thought it was the most epic thing I had ever seen. If I read the comics, I'm going to get all whiny about how they did it wrong.
However we also have this game that was released alongside the film. The game however is moreso based on the comics, which I do actually know a fair bit about. And let me tell you, this game is BAD!
I want an arcade machine of this thing! It adapts the source material in what is probably the only way to do it justice.
You can choose to play as Scott, Ramona, Kim or Stephen, each with unique attacks and special attacks. You can also summon Knives to come in and give you a hand, or play as her, but shes a seperafe download. The game is a retro arcade brawler, having you march down the street pulverising thugs into dust with your fists and throwing stuff at them, and I have really begun envying the people of teh early nineties because this was a NORMAL game back then. It is adictive as all hell.
The game is split up into about seven parts (I haven't technically finished it). In each part you fight against enemies and head down the area until you meet the current Evil Ex and beat the life out of them. It gets a little odd around 5 and 6, who are brothers who work close togethor. In the fifth level you fight a series of robots built by them, and with Gideon you fight multiple forms of him.
Perhaps a slightly cooler thing about the game is when you recognise background characters. Even though I haven't read the comics, I smiled the instant I noticed Julie, Wallace, Other Scott and Stacey. Amazing considering I hardly knew what their Manga-style forms looked like.
So basically, its a great game that you should get. And yes I know I'm late on the bandwagon, but I needed to write SOMETHING to prove I'm not dead.
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