Friday, July 9, 2010

The A-Team.

I love it when a decent film comes togethor.

I had heard of the series multiple times in the past, but never really batted an eye beyond Mr. T. When I heard the film was coming out, I didn't really care all that much. But then I saw the trailer, which included the awesomest line of dialogue I have ever heard.

"Are they trying to shoot down the other drone?" "No, they're trying to fly that tank."

Fly a tank? That was enough to make me say, hell yeah I'm gonna see this movie. So I did. What is the verdit?

OH MY GOD THIS IS THE GREATEST FILM I'VE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE! I cannot begin to tell you how awesome this was. My face was hurting from how huge my smile was during the whole thing. The story is pretty darn good, the action kicked ass, and the characters were awesome. Okay, maybe I should talk about it a bit better than just summing it up like like that.

The film basically follows the team as they try to clear their names for apparently stealing a series of US treasury plates, which were destroyed in an explosion, along with the only man who can provide evidence of their innocence. Within this we get to see some of the awesomest things ever. For example, the leader of the group Hannibal is played by non other than the God of Lightning. That's cool on it's own, but he gives as much awesomeness as you'd expect (a lot).
The first thing every character does is get a CMoA. For Hannibal, he manages to avoid getting shot by stealing the firing pin from his own gun, then using said pin to unlock his handcuffs, then use the handcuffs to restrain a pair of attack dogs. Damn.
B.A. gets in on the action by beating up everyone in a garage (and kicking a man into a window) to get his van back. And he has the words Pity and Fool on tattooed onto his knuckles.
Faceman dosn't get to beat anyone up, but he is trapped inside several car tires, having gasoline poured onto him and about to be burned to death, and the whole time he's just verbally bitchslapping the guy doing it.
Finally Murdock arrives. The first thing he does is stitch a lightning bolt into B.A.'s arm after they mistake him for a doctor (he is dressed as such) then set Faceman's arm on fire. That officially made him my favorite character.

Then we get the entire Helicopter scene which I have to call freakin' sweet. So, the opening of the film is one of the most awesome things ever. Does it go down hill from there? Not really.

My complaints are very few, so I'll just say them now. The film gets a little slow at a few points, which can be annoying considering how awesome the action is. Murdock is insanley Crazy Awesome, like I said, the first thing he does is stitch a lightning bolt into B.A.'s arm, so it is very annoying to see him mellow out as the film progresses. He's still awesome, it's just that you won't really be able to believe this is the same guy who set Faceman on fire.

And that's pretty much it. But what really makes me love this movie is that it is good! It's a genuinley good movie, and latley there have been WAY too many crappy ones. Take for example, Nightmare on Elm Street, The Last Airbender, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, Iron Man 2 (okay, that wasn't bad enough to be called crappy by any stretch of the word). This is what made me happiest about the film.

Also, I won't be able to do a review of the A-Team movie without mentioning the Tank Scene. Yes, it was awesome. Unfortunatley I went to the toilet just before it started so I missed the part where they decided to do it. I got the 'No, they're trying to fly that Tank' line though. Annoyingly I was asking my friend if I had missed it, so...yeah.

All in all, I give it 9/10.

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