Friday, January 29, 2010

My Favorite Comics

Hi. As I quite obviously like comics, I've decided to list my favorites, that is to say the ones I buy once a month. Here we go.


The Crimson Comedian, The Regenerating Degenerate, and most of all, The Merc With a Mouth. Deadpool is probably my favorite comic book. The star is of course, Wade Wilson, otherwise known as Deadpool. He's a mercenary who possesses a healing factor stronger than Wolverine. However, due to a number of reasons, he's also horribly disfigured and insane. And you know what? That's what makes him awesome! Without that, he's just Spider-Man mixed with Deathstroke. Of course, Rob Liefeld was basically making a Deathstroke clone when he created him, but other time he became the legendary Merc we know and love.

Also, DEATH TO DUDEPEEL! I cannot believe how very angry I was about that, I have never seen a comic book film that made me that angry before.

Deadpool: Merc With a Mouth.

Deadpool has been popular for a while now, but this really shows us just HOW popular his recent appearances in Ultimate Alliance have made him. The series follows Deadpool and his adventures with...Deadpool. Well, okay, if you know anything about recent comics, you'll know about the popular Marvel Zombies series inwhich the Marvel Heroes become zombies and eat most of the universe. I like zombies, but I can't say I'm a fan. Sorry if seeing characters I love getting eaten by OTHER characters I love dosn't appeal to me. But anyway, in this universe, Deadpool has been reduced to a head. The series has a setup about warfare, the obligatory hot scientist, dinosaurs and even space battles. But all you really need to know is that Deadpool teams up with his own decapitated zombified head. Can I hear the word 'awesome?'

Deadpool Team Up.

This is the proof that Deadpool is growing in the popularity he deserves. Three ongoing series at the same time? Who else has that many ongoing series at the same time? Hmmm, just some others guys like SUPERMAN, BATMAN, SPIDER-MAN, THE X-MEN and SO FORTH! Okay, if I need to explain this one, you need professional help.

Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

When many people think of the Ninja Turtles they think of the cute eighties series. Sure, now there are some people who think of the awesome 03' series, but few people seem to remember the comics. They are the polar opposite of teh first cartoon for many reasons, but the only one I'm willing to complain about is the fact that they all have Red Masks. And that's not even a proper complaint because that was teh original idea! Plus it's in Black and White so I can't tell who is who anyway unless they're weapons are in the shot. What dosn't help this whole thing is that Raph is usually put up front, so you don't realise anything is different.

Booster Gold.

Booster Gold has made some appearances on Justice League and Batman The Brave and The Bold, and these were enough to get me buying his comics. If you don't already know, Booster Gold is a dick. He's a jerk who only fights crime to secure merchandising rights and become famous...or so we are meant to think. A few years after his introduction, a series of tragic events allowed him to become a true hero and defender of the Space-Time Continuum. He still acts like a jerk, but it's only so nobody even suspects that he's actually one of Earth's greatest heroes. The Blue Beetle stories are pretty good too.

Savage Dragon.

Erik Larsen is a genius. He's not Stan Lee level genius, but a comic book genius all the same. Savage Dragon is the story of a hulking alien named Dragon who joins the Police Force. Okay, that WAS the story, but early on, it seems Larsen decided to screw over status quo and has given us this amazing comic. Also, as genius as he is, Larsen's metaphorical balls may be a bit too big. Why? Well, after 17 years of making the comic, Larsen wants to kill off The Dragon (who frequently dies as a running gag, but he means it this time). He dosn't plan on ending the comic, he just plans on killing the main character and replacing him with his son. This would make him a legacy character. I just got into it late last year, WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME?

The Amazing Spider-Man.

I usually don't buy from the big guys, mainly cos I can't tell which one is the official series and not a spin-off. But, thankfully this issue including Deadpool has slapped me in the head and screamed BUY IT! BUY IT! So I did, and here we are. I guess I also feel good about reading it cos I am a huge Stan Lee fan. HE IS A GOLDEN SHINING GOD!
Also, my opinion on Tobey Maguire? He's the absolute perfect choice for Peter Parker. But, he just isn't that good as Spidey himself. Plus, he dosn't do that much witty Spider-Man banter. Still good though.

The Tick New Series

SPOOOON! In Color! Okay I only have one issue of this at the moment, but I plan on collecting them as they come out. Unlike most which release their books monthly, this one releases it every two months, so yeah.

I also used to collect the back issues of The Maxx, but I got bored with it despite liking the story, and had trouble collecting certain issues. I collected most of Madman Atomic Comics before the series ended. I bought Spawn for two issues before realizing how slow the story was going. I also decided I'd buy Invinvible, but not only does my comic store seem to run out quick, I decided that I didn't want to read just after the female lead had died...which now I know isn't true and I want to buy it again.

Also, due to time constraints, I am unable to include all the covers I'd like to use in this post. I'll fix it at a later time.

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