Oh hai thar everyone! I bet you thought I was dead, but no, I have just lacked motivation., However, my latest visit to the Comic Store has brought upon some good ol' Nerd Rage.

You may remember my talk about Youngblood and how it was recently revived into a fun, if somewhat slow paced series full of likeable characters and good artwork. Unfortunately this revival only lasted nine issues for whatever reason. Sad, considering it was almost at the climax of the current storyline. I recently bought the ninth issue.
What. The. Hell?!
I am now officially happy the series got canned. If it was still going now, I'd have no reason to be buying it.
In Issue 8 we learn that our current Big Bad, a former alien superhero, had returned to Earth and shit is going to go down. It also featured a backup story, obviously intended to be ongoing or in multiple parts, featuring Barack Obama organising the newest incarnation of Youngblood, made up of Shaft, Vogue, Badrock, Diehard, Photon, Big Brother and Vogdue, and written and drawn by the man himself, Rob Liefeld. Issue nine is devoted entirely to this setup! And it wasn't even good in its own right!
You can't do that! They even try to say this fits into what we were doing before, but it dosn't. The team had a completely different roster, they were on the run from the law, hell was about to break loose, they had their own TV show, Badrock was a crumbling mess in hospital and they were currently replaced by an entirely new team of Youngblood!
So, how do they explain the massive change? Why, they breifly, in passing, explain that Badrock's condition was due to that being his mutated version of puberty. Then what the f*ck happened to Doc Rocket? The TV show? Why hasn't Giger and the alien guy attacked? Where the hell did 'Cybernet' come from? Liefeld, I don't actually mind your art, but this is just pathetic! You took this fun, new and awesome Youngblood and turned into...classic Youngblood.
Oh, but we ain't done here folks. Because we still have a back up story! It is also about Barack Obama working with a superhero. I have no idea who, nor do I care.
The series is technically not cancelled, but rather no issues have been made since 09'. Well I don't give a damn! The fun and slap happy Youngblood is as dead as Batman's parents.
Next on the agenda is Shep-Hulks Issue 4.
I was more than happy to pick up the latest issue of She-Hulks, which I have explained my enjoyment of in previous posts. I was quite infuirated today to learn, out of nowhere that it is actually a Four Issue Mini-Series!
The comic is clearly designed to be an ongoing title! If it were a Limited Series, it'd be titled 'She-Hulks: Man Hunt,' instead of that being the title of the storyline! And I actually made a point to check and this is the first mention of limited series on any of the issues! Seriously, this is the first time on any of them that features the phrase 'Limited Series' on the cover or any indication that there is supposed to only be four issues!
What? Were they halfway through writing the fifth issue when Quesada realised how fun the series was and decided he needed to do something? I am seriously pissed about this, I was looking forward to seeing the She-Hulks each month and now I'm obviously going to have other Hulk series. I do not wish to buy these serie as they do not interest me; what interests me is Jen Walters and Lyra kicking ass with occassional appearances by The Hulk and making The Wizard seem awesome.
Fortunately, that seems to be it. I did consider telling you of my frustration on there being WAAAAY too many X-Men books out at the moment and giving the ultimate example of comics alienating new audiences, but I didn't actually end up buying any of them, so it's somewhat irrelevant.
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