Monday, June 28, 2010

Mental Covers: Captain Heidi.

Fighting crime is a tough job. Not so much when you have super powers, but when crime also has super powers, things can get painful. So what happens when you run out of stories and your superhero needs a break? Invent a new power that lets him give them to his girlfriend of course.

Back when I was planning out the original series, Mental's powers were in his mask. If he took it off, he'd lose them and revert to his old personality, and stop breathing. Nowadays he's got his own super powers, and the mask is pretty much grafted to his face. Back then his powers also included reality manipulation because he was a rip-off of The Mask, I have cured this, though he can still grab weapons from nowhere due to his TARDIS-like hoodie. In this case Mental gave most of his powers, and she goes nuts with them and they eventually break up over it. Looking back, this wasn't a very good idea.