Sunday, June 27, 2010

I KILL GIANTS: Fallout 3 cont.

I had previously said that in Fallout 3, 'After killing something you feel like you can take on anything. Unfortunatley anything usually shwos up shortly afterwards and makes you it's virtual bitch.' I have recently found that these words are actually somewhat harsh, since as of yesturday I have claimed the lives of about ten Super Mutants. When I said you feel like you can take on anything, I was referring to groups of Raiders, some mole rats, or a Mirelurk. Killing a Super Mutant made me feel as if I could literally punch out Cthulhu.

By what I remember, I was wandering a city when I was attacked by a Raider and his robot. After dispatching the Raider, I hauled ass as I don't think I'd be very good against a non-living opponent. I was running when I used VATS to make sure his friends weren't nearby. What I found instead was an angry Super Mutant charging at me. This was definately an 'Oh Crap' moment, but I decided I'd die fighting again. However, this time I was carrying more than my usual Pea-Shooter, and was very surprised when the Super Mutant eventually fell to the ground as a corpse instead of me. I was very pleased with myself, and it was all I could do to then empty a few rounds into his buddy, who DID have a gun. I was very irritated to then get slaughtered by Talon Mercenaries. I've decided they are a much bigger problem than Super Mutants because there is a lot of them.

I also have to say that the satisfaction you get from Head-Shots in this game is very high, so seeing your bullets knock a Super Mutants head clean off, or reduc it to a stain on the floor is an awesome experience. What makes it even better is when they have captives. I have rescued two Super Mutant captives, and both times I felt like I had genuinlet helped. And hell, I killed a Super Mutant to do it, that is hard core.

The second event was much cooler though. I had read about the AntAgonizer, a woman who beleives she is a super villain, and that you could actually access Hubris Comics ('her' publisher). Once I found it I decided that instead of just wallowing about terrified as I usually did, I'd just go in and introduce all hostiles to my Boomsticks. I ran into some Feral Ghouls, who are essentially the games version of zombies, and blasting their heads off with a shotgun is nowhere less satisfying as doing it to the regular brand. After briefly getting over powered, I started looking around. I found the comics company but it wasn't that exciting. I decided I wanted to leave when I took a wrong turn and ended up in a courtyard of sorts. After looking for a minute, I realised there was a man tied up in the centre. And he was being guarded by Super Mutants. About eight Super Mutants. Needless to say, many bricks were shat.
Nontheless, I decied to help out anyway. After irritated one with a hunting Rifle for a bit, I had their attention. They climbed the stairs towards me, but I gave them Frag Grenades. I then used my new Combat Shotgun, but eventually found myself dead. Two Super Mutants were still standing. I was very impressed with myself. After another failed attempt, I was very happy to report that the captive was now a free man. This success was mainly thanks to me stealing a Super Dead Mutant's mini-gun once I was low on bullets.

I later decided to deliberatley find Super Muties to try out my new Minigun on, but found that it eats up its ammo rather quickly. Works a charm of Centaurs, though.

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