The Kylothean agent known as Serleena has spent her life in pursuit of The Light of Zartha, with which her race can finaly conquer the world of Zartha. Throughout her travels she has inspected, and subsequently destroyed many planets in an attempt to find the Light, eventually following its guardians to Earth. However, a confrontation with the Men In Black allowed the Zarthans to escape, an forced Serleena to continue her pursuit for a number of decades. However, a message from an informent known as Charlie and Scrad (a two headed creature) gave credence to the theory that the Light was still on Earth.
Okay, befor I continue talking about her actual character, I enjoy Serleena as a villain, but I will admit that she isn't the best one, especially when compared to Edgarbug of the first movie. First of all, Director Barry Sonnenfeld outright states on the DVD that they wanted a female villain to attract male audiences. I didn't see it in theaters, but if the fact that it was Men in Black II didn't get me into it, she probably would've. Second her acting isn't the best either. While most of the time she is pretty calm ad calculating, at certain points, such as her belittling of Kay as she beats him, come off as a good dose of Narm.
Last of all, her plan to take over MIBHQ is essentially:
1. Walk in.
3.Take over.
The annoying bit is that it works. She just walks into our last and only line of defence against the worst scum of the universe, has her sidekick fake a heart attack and shoots her tentacles everywhere. And we know from later occurences that all it would take is a few damn lasers and she'd be down. I like the movie but I find this part particulerly glaring.
Anywho...great, now I've lost my train of thought. Um...She shapeshifts, she eats people as both her monster form and human form (which is a CMOF for sheer unexpectedness), and is pretty hot considering she is a tentacle monster. Not really much to say other than that.
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