Just to make up for some time, here's my opinion on some films. Not that I'm going to be moving at the same speed as before, but I'll hopefully at least try for one update a month if I can find the time. And become less lazy.
Green Hornet.

This film is good. Both main characters are fun, but Kato steals the show like he did back in the 60's TV show. The film doesn't do much in terms of originality, but it takes what it has and uses them excellently. It's also damn funny.

Edgar Wright is my new favourite director, having given us Hot Fuzz, Scott Pilgirm, and now this. Out of the 'Pegg-Frost' trilogy, this is probably the weakest, but since Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead were damn brilliant, this is a very good film. Paul is a hilarious character, voiced by the awesomtastic Seth Rogen, and the simplistic storyline is used brilliantly. Also, the moments of geekiness such as the comicon scenes made me feel like this film was made specifically to impress me. And it worked.
Sucker Punch.

This film upsets me. For the first hour, it is an okay film with INSANELY good action sequences that literally have you laughing over how ridiculously good of a time your having. And then, BAM, it's like the director realised that he wanted to make a different sort of film and made us sit through this insanely depressing climax. Apparently this was his intention, but no, as a consumer, I reject your metaphors and hidden meanings and demand a proper ending!
Seeing how this film goes into some pretty powerful mindscrew territory, it is safe to say that you're free to believe whatever you want. Nobody actually dies and relationships aren't as close as they might seem. But when you make a film that has the main theme of 'A bunch of women kicking ass in insane sequences' you have an ending that mmakes you want to get up and punch the screen into dust.
Unlike most critics, I say this is a good film, but it has one of the most bullshit endings in history. This was on my top favourite films ever list for a while before I saw the ending.

I was very worried about Thor. It looked like it was going to be rather campy, and the early moments in the film didn't help. However, I was delighted to find that the film is actually pretty good, taking the opposite train as my usual perception of bad films. They usually start out promising and go down hill with stupid, but this one found a good level and stuck to it, though its far from perfect. I only ever felt the badass action I felt in Iron Man 1 at the beginning, the rest of the action seemed to have less impact. But otherwise, a good film.
Scott Pilgrim.

Yep, still fucking badass.