Yes, I have finally gotten 200 views. Over a hundred posts about radioactive mutants, transforming emo kids, reanimated corpses, many dudes in spandex, and enormous monsters. It's been quite a ride, hasn't it? Well there's a few people I'd like to thank.
First, my friend Robert/random_fan, who was one of very few people who actually left comments on my blog.
Another person who commented on my blog would be my sister Megan. She frequently visited my blog and told other people about it. Which brings me to some very special people.
The people at Internode. Only a week or two ago, my blog only had 160 views. In that time, you have given my blog about 40 views. Thank you, Internode geeks, I am glad I have provided this service to you. Or anyone in fact. Thank you for reading my blog instead of doing work.
And now so as to let you waste more time on my blog, here is some quick Geek Trivia.

GI Joe was originally a comic about Nick Fury leading an elite team of SHIELD agents. However, Marvel didn't like the idea and it never came to fruition. The man also worked for Hasbro at some stage and was a part of the team that were revamping the classic GI Joe toy line. He integrated the idea onto this blank slate and came up with a media icon.
Also, that means that Cobra Command is an Expy of HYDRA.
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