If you think I am going to give you a full review about this movie, you are sorely mistaken.
What I will say is that it starts out quite poorly. The characters are brought in one-at-a-time, meaning that we get at least seven moments of someone attacking, then having it worked out. Then after everyones in, we get about thirty minutes of learning about the area and then going off as if it were nothing, as well as numerous oppertunities for Avatar jokes.
Things finally pick up half way through just before Fishburne shows up, giving us Peewee's Playhouse and Matrix jokes. If you ignore half the stuff before then, the film should go up a star. When the Predators themselves show up, the film officially becomes awesome. We get Yakuza vs. Predator!
We also get a little bit of justification in calling this a reboot (I think). We learn that their are two kinds of Predators, the 'Big Ones' and the 'Smaller Ones.' The Big Ones hunt the Smaller Ones and basically kick them around as they wish. It just so happens that the Smaller Ones are the classic Predators, as in the Arnold Schwarzeneggar (Gah! Spelling!) film and the Big Ones are slightly redesigned (they're uglier, if you can even begin to believe that).
We eventually get a stand off between one of both. Spoiler Alert!: The Big One wins. I guess this is to show us that you don't mess around with these new Preds, though personally I felt this was somewhat of a Fan-Punch. It's sort of like having Englund's Freddy Krueger and Haley's Freddy Krueger face off, ending with Englund's dead and Haley declaring that he was always pathetic and didn't deserve a film series. Though of course knowing how well the film was recieved, chances are Haley would have been booed out of reality.
There are a few plot twists that come off as genuinley surprising too, but I won't spoil those for you.
All in all I'd say it was perfectly decent, 7/10 stars.
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