That is made of win, do you know what is also made of win, Power Rangers being bought back by Haim Saban. Why am I pointing this out here, because it's awesome news
Welcome compatriots to Panel by Panel. I am your host, ThatKidWithTheSideburns, or if that is too much to say, Sideburns, or if you like, Sideburn, or if you think nicknames are stupid, Ned.
So, what is it that I do here? I was originally interested in reviewing comic books, as I regularly buy them and am a big fan of internet celebrity Linkara. However, after a while I realised that I did not have the tenacity to regularly do reviews. Eventually I found myself reviewing movies much more than I even talked about comics. I guess this would be better to be called a Media Blog, but I like the title too much to change it.
That is made of win, do you know what is also made of win, Power Rangers being bought back by Haim Saban. Why am I pointing this out here, because it's awesome news