Welcome back to WTF Posters. Today's subject, King Kong. I never said these were going to be funny.
On a side note, I have seen the original King Kong, and have to say I really enjoyed it. It was every bit as good as I'd heard, even if you could tell that it was fake.
Welcome compatriots to Panel by Panel. I am your host, ThatKidWithTheSideburns, or if that is too much to say, Sideburns, or if you like, Sideburn, or if you think nicknames are stupid, Ned.
So, what is it that I do here? I was originally interested in reviewing comic books, as I regularly buy them and am a big fan of internet celebrity Linkara. However, after a while I realised that I did not have the tenacity to regularly do reviews. Eventually I found myself reviewing movies much more than I even talked about comics. I guess this would be better to be called a Media Blog, but I like the title too much to change it.
Hey I find this one funny, a little bit. Also I created my own blog now if you want to check that out.