Monday, February 22, 2010

Random Comic Trivia: Spider-Man.

Welcome back to Random Comic Trivia. Today's subject, Spider-Man.

Spider-Woman was originally created as a villain, and was made because Marvel didn't want anyone cashing in on Spidey's popularity with a minor name change. Just to piss them off, her powers aren't even related to Spidey's.

Though Stan Lee has trouble remembering his exact origins, he claims that while working at Marvel, he saw a fly on the wall and thought, 'Hey, wouldn't it be neat if we had a guy that could do that?' Unfortunatley, Fly-Man didn't really have much to it. Two fly villains (The Fly Brothers?) appeared in the old Spidey cartoon to plague the Webhead twice. Once in an attempt to frame Spider-Man for their crimes, and another time to...go through the exact same episode with new dialogue. Don't you hate budget cuts?

The recent Amazing Spider-Man series has had so many Dethrowning Moments of Suck, the 'non-canon spin off' Spider-Girl (Peter Parker and Mary Jane's daughter), is beginning to be considered canon, despite the fact that Amazing has facts contradicting the time-line.

Aunt May once defeated the Scorpion.

No, I'm serious, she did.

And finally, Stan Lee's publisher thought Lee was an idiot for thinking that anyone would want to read about a hero who got his powers from icky Spiders, and had problems. I think you know how he must have felt within a few years.

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